minerals: goldschmidt series
This body of work utilizes the scientific illustrations of Swiss Minerologist, Victor Goldschmidt (1888-1947) as source imagery.
This series began in March, 2017 during a residency at The Vermont Studio Center.
Top Row (Left to Right): Tridymit 43, Zinkblende 108, Wohlerit 30 Bottom Row (Left to Right): Turmalin 339, Zinkblende 179, Whewellit 52
2017, Graphite and Flashe paint on paper, 15” x 22” each
(Top to Bottom) Left: Zinnerz 249, Tridymit 25, Whewellit 56 / Center: Zinnerz 248, Zinkblende 130 / Right: Whewellit 66, Zinkblende 100 , Zinkblende 114
2017, Graphite and Flashe paint on paper, 15” x 22” each
Top Row Left to Right: Spinell 33, Sodalith-Gruppe 39, Spinell 40 / Bottom Row Left to Right: Spinell 39, Spinell 38, Sodalith-Gruppe 23
2017, Graphite and Flashe paint on paper, 22” x 15” each
Top Row (L to R): Silber 38, Spinell 29 / Bottom Row (L to R): Spinell 34, Struvit 45
2017, Graphite and Flashe paint on paper, 22” x 15” each