Since 2014, I have been documenting what I identify as the primary signifier of a state of flux across the country from one light small towns to dense cities. An empty sign hanging askew above a bolted front door, a familiar shaped frame with exposed bulbs towering over the defunct gas station or the torn vinyl of a shop sign exposing the supports intended to hold it taut. I find these visually and conceptually captivating structures. They have a history but no longer serve the intended purpose. These remnants often remain on site and in a decaying state for some time. They become something ignored, part of the background noise that is the landscape, both urban and rural. As I reinterpret these objects, I aim to visually transform the found structure into an architectural form, a partition or a window through which to view. These empty signs are given new context and new meaning. This body of work was started in Fall 2019 but feels that much more relevant since the fallout of a global pandemic.
Since 2014, I have been documenting what I identify as the primary signifier of a state of flux across the country from one light small towns to dense cities. An empty sign hanging askew above a bolted front door, a familiar shaped frame with exposed bulbs towering over the defunct gas station or the torn vinyl of a shop sign exposing the supports intended to hold it taut. I find these visually and conceptually captivating structures. They have a history but no longer serve the intended purpose. These remnants often remain on site and in a decaying state for some time. They become something ignored, part of the background noise that is the landscape, both urban and rural. As I reinterpret these objects, I aim to visually transform the found structure into an architectural form, a partition or a window through which to view. These empty signs are given new context and new meaning. This body of work was started in Fall 2019 but feels that much more relevant since the fallout of a global pandemic.